Saturday, November 13, 2010

Fall is almost over and is starting to feel like winter.

I am begining to wonder if Taylor remembers if she has a mom after hunting season is over.  Thanks to Nani Sally, and some freinds in town for watching her all fall.  If I could figure out how to pack her along in my backpack with me when I guide I would.  This hunting season went by so fast.  All of our hunters seemed to be really happy with their hunts.  We got through another year anyway.  We have 1 more elk hunt this year and off to Kansas we go for rifle whitetail hunting.  I always say “One of these days when we settle down I will get “””””All kind of things done”.  Oh well our family is healthy and life is good.  Somehow in the mix of things I was able to take Taylor out for Halloween.  My little girl looks just like Raggity Ann.  She was so cute.  She just loved her hat.  I couldn’t hardly take it off of her so she could go to sleep that night!  I think daddy and Taylor were both ready for bed after trick or treating!mellisas bull 059mellisas bull 055 mellisas bull 051


  1. I haven't even looked at my Halloween pics! Just downloaded them at that's it!! Get back to posting and get to commenting on other's blogs so they can come back here and keep up with you!
