Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hunting season has came and ALMOST PASSED:)

I am begining to wonder if Taylor remembers if she has a mom after hunting season is over.  Thanks to Nani Sally, and some freinds in town for watching her all fall.  If I could figure out how to pack her along in my backpack with me when I guide I would.  This hunting season went by so fast.  All of our hunters seemed to be really happy with their hunts.  We got through another year anyway.  We have 1 more elk hunt this year and off to Kansas we go for rifle whitetail hunting.  I always say “One of these days when we settle down I will get “””””All kind of things done”.  Oh well our family is healthy and life is good.  Somehow in the mix of things I was able to take Taylor out for Halloween.  My little girl looks just like Raggity Ann.  She was so cute.  She just loved her hat.  I couldn’t hardly take it off of her so she could go to sleep that night!2010 pics 122

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hunting, Hunting, and MORE Hunting

I finally ran away from camp today just to shower in my own shower, get internet, and basically just do what I want to do. It has been a long fall with all the hunters, and babies. But we have survived. Our hunters have been really successful getting their elk, or at least shooting at them. In between all of the hunts going on, we managed to take our first family pictures. It was alot of fun taking them with Taylor, and all of the fall colors. I will post some of them.
Taylor is almost 8 months old, and no teeth yet. She is rolling over really good, and not crawling yet just scooting around. She tries to sit up for awhile then she crashes. She is so much fun. She is a good baby except she still wont sleep all night. She is good until about 2:00 a.m. grrrrrrrr. I think I have just got used to no sleep. After this week we will start our mule deer hunts for 3 weeks, and then 1 more elk hunt and we are done. Rogers birthday is comming up so we are going to Texas to hunt whitetail deer in December. I cant wait for that.