Monday, February 22, 2010

New Dressers & unloading dressers!!!!

Today Roger finished a armoire for our bedroom. It is the most beautiful piece of furniture I have ever seen. He does some awesome work! Im very lucky to have such a handy husband.-Thanks Roger.
Taylor found a new place to play. It got quiet around the house and there I found her with a her dresser drawer open and all of her clothes on the floor. About an hour later she was no where to be found, and I found her upstairs. She had found a spot in the stairway to snake through around the baby gate and up the stairs she went. So after closing doors to her room and reinforcing the baby gate guess where I found her next? THE TOLIT AGAIN. Just having a grand time getting all wet.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I have to blog this story although I'm very ashamed of it, and this day made me feel like the worst parent in the world.
Ok here I go!
I was really busy one day, and for some reason somebody didnt fluch our tolit. Well Roger came in the house and saw the bathroom, and imediatly came running out of there asking me who didnt flush the tolit. Well I got up really quick and headed in to fix things and the phone rang. It was Boyd. If you know Boyd you dont just get off the phone real soon. So a few minutes in to the call I realized Taylor was missing. So I already had figured where she was. So I went out to the garage where her daddy works all day and no Taylor. So I ran into the bathroom to find her well ya enough said. I screamed OH SHIXXXXXXX. Grabbed Taylor stripped her clothes off and put her in the tub and started scrubbing. I dont know if I was more in shock or ready to throw up. The worst thing in the world was to see your 10 month old standing at the tolit holding a (snickers bar) in one hand and chewing on another one, with XXXX all over the bathroom. Well we got throught this, and I make sure every lid is shut and doors shut, and baby gates in place. Sorry for the aweful story but I had to share it.
I didnt take a picture of it, but her latest thing is climbing stairs, so I will share that with you.

Taylor has teeth!!!!!!

It has been way to long since I have sat down and blogged. So Iam going to sum up the last few months.
On Christmas morning Taylor woke up with her first tooth. Then by New Years she had 4. Two on top 2 on bottom. She is very active crawling all through the house. On January 20th I took her for her well check up. She weighs 21 pounds 7 oz, and is 28 inches tall. She is a very healthy growing little girl. Nanni broke her back 2 days before New Years, and has lived with us since. Nanni is Taylors best friend. They play all day, and cuddle at night. Here are some of Taylors 1st Christmas pics, and her 10 month pictures.